Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research
Fahrenheitstr. 6
D-28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 (421) 23800 – 28
Fax: +49 (421) 23800 – 30
E-Mail: sebastian.ferse@leibniz-zmt.de
Room: 2218
Dr. Sebastian Ferse
Focus of reseach
My current work addresses the link between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in coral reefs as well as human usages of coral reef resources. Using an approach that combines assessments of both taxonomic and functional diversity in reef systems, we aim for a better understanding of the impacts of both natural and anthropogenic changes in coral reefs. In examining coastal livelihoods, institutions and mariculture techniques, I am trying to gather insights into options for sustainable resources uses and into strategies for the development, implementation and improvement of these uses. While I focused on ecological questions for my Masters and PhD research, dealing with coral mariculture and reef restoration, respectively, my post-doc work took an interdisciplinary approach, with a focus on socio-economics. Currently, I am leading a working group in which scientists from socio-economic and natural science backgrounds work together on common goals. My aim is to combine an understanding of ecological processes with information on human activities and rationales in order to develop future scenarios and understand potential impacts of ecological, economic and social changes.
Research interests
- Coral reef restoration
- Fish-habitat interactions
- Ecological impacts of mariculture
- Sustainable mariculture as livelihood option
- Ornamental species culture and trade
- The role of patron
- Client relations in marine resource use
Department of Ecology
WG Human Agency, Resilience and Diversity in Coral Reefs (Leader)
Department of Sciences
WG Social-Ecological Systems Analysis